Tuesday, 2 October 2012

50 Goals Till Christmas

Hey guys, with just 84 days till Christmas, and after being inspired by Lola and Behold's post also Miss Brunette's post I decided to set myself a list of goals that I hope to have completed by Christmas! Realistically, I would like to complete 40 out of the 50 however, I am hoping I can exceed my own expectations!

This post is going to be put on a seperate page so you can keep checking back to see how I'm doing!

Ok, so here goes...


1. Get to 150 Followers.
2. Write my 75th post.
3. Do a face of the day post.
4. Do a what's in my bag post.
5. Write my first empties post.
6. Get to 5000 page views.
7. Follow a posting schedule - At least 3 posts a week.
8. Guest post on someone else's blog and publish a guest post on my blog.
9. Set up a blog sale!
10. Do a makeup and nail polish collection / storage post.
11. Do another giveaway!!

Health & Beauty

12. Go to bed at 10pm every night for two weeks.
13. Go two weeks without eating crisps, chocolate or sweets.
14. Use up at least 3 mascaras.
15. Eat my 5 a day!
16. Use 5 nail polishes that I don't use much.
17. Wear a different lip colour every day for a week.
18. Start moisturising when I get out of the shower.
19. Relax and take a bath once a week for 3 weeks.
20. Clean my makeup brushes once a week!

Leisure & Lifestyle

21. Read 5 books.
22. Go to Bicester Village again.
23. Start selling items I don't use on eBay.
24. Start buying Christmas presents!
25. Finish reading the Hunger Games series.
26. Only watch 2 hours of TV in the weekdays for one week.
27. Start revising for January exams (like right now!!)
28. Do any homework i've been given on the day it was handed to me.
29. Sort out my DVDs and donate those I don't want to charity.
30. Set up a strict revision timetable for the Christmas holidays!


31. Save money for my trip to Arizona and Mexico in 18 days!
32. Stop buying so much nail polish.
33. Start offering advertising space on my blog (leave a comment if you'd be interested)
34. Continue to save any £5 notes I get in a jar - for buying Xmas presents!
35. Start babysitting more.


36. Start doing 30 minutes a day on my exercise bike.
37. Loose 5lbs
38. Tone up!
39. Walk more.
40. Drink more water!!
41. Start exercising in the ad breaks.


42. Learn 5 recipes by heart.
43. Keep my room tidy for 1 week!
44. Write Christmas cards this year.
45. Cook a roast dinner!
46. Tidy out my wallet and bag!
47. Decorate my room for Christmas (I love doing this!)
48. Wash my car.
49. Pass my driving test!!
50. Complete this list!

I would love to see anyone else's goals, so post a link below!

Thanks for reading.

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  1. this is great? would you mind if I did it also? if I did, one of mine would be to get to 20 followers, doesn't sound much but I'm only on 7, maybe you could help me out, xxx


  2. Of course you can do it too. Leave a link when you have done it. I'd love to read it!




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